sounds relaxing, but new research shows its effects can be stressful for
bodies, creating an army to fight the disease cells. Scientists
conducted an experiment with mice that simulated weightlessness on earth
revealed that a protein called osteopontin (of ARF), a stress hormone associated with
bone loss in space may be also associated with
spleen and thymus organs. These bodies make white blood cells that fight infection - without them
body will be open season diseases. We
had no reason to think osteopontin will have no effect on the immune loss >> << body, said David Denhardt, cell biologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey. But when we did [experiement], we were surprised to see that
involved in this stress response. Denhardt
and work colleagues will be detailed in the Sept. 11 issue of
Materials of the National Academy of Sciences. Denhardt
explained that osteopontin is an lasix buy instigator, signaling cells to push for survival >> << and stay on the offensive during injury or stress. Although
Denhardt not clear how this process works, his team found that raising mice
hind legs - tense simulation of weightlessness - for three days
caused about 70 per cent reduction in the tissues of the spleen and thymus in comparison with the
normal mice.
Body tissue, called atrophy, and was in mice that were
stressed by isolation. Atrophy
was dramatic. It seems like simple cells to destroy the same
contrary to the known role of OPN in keeping cells alive, said Denhardt
SPACE. com. Despite the controversy, he explained, is a strange relationship. When his team conducted a similar experiment on mice bred with the inability to produce
osteopontin, they showed much less dramatic thymus and spleen tissues
![diet and immune system diet and immune system](
controls class of hormones that suppress the immune system >> << he said. When osteopontin is not around to control hormones, immune
tissue leads as usual. While the mouse
not replace astronauts in space, Denhardt explained that research
could eventually reduce the increased risk in space
- especially when long trips
on the Moon and Mars eventually. Osteopontin
somehow important to permit an increased susceptibility to immune problems
and bone loss, Denhardt said. It's a long shot, but if we find
antibodies are able to lock osteopontin, we could reduce its impact on many
microgravity related health problems. Denhardt
imagines astronauts receiving injections of antibodies to rocket into space
. He and his team have identified a group of potential
osteopontin-silencing antibodies, but he said money to bring
research in the field of medicine is terribly low. Financing
is a big problem, Denhardt said. But the more we can get, >> << faster it will move forward. At the same time >> <<, Denhardt and his team try to piece together the mystery of how
osteopontin causes immune organ atrophy. .
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