Friday, February 24, 2012

Adults need from 1200 to 1500 mg per day (4-5 ...

Osteoporosis is a thinning of bones that occurs over time for most people, although most common in women, it can also affect men as they age Osteoporosis is associated with 1 2 million fractures annually Watch video: Causes of osteoporosis .... One reason is the absence of osteoporosis calcium in the diet. Adults need from 1200 to 1500 mg per day (4-5 8 glasses of skim milk), but the average diet contains about 750 mg. For this reason, many doctors recommend taking 600 to 800 mg calcium supplement daily, together with an adequate intake of vitamin D from food or supplements. Studies have shown that this type of additives reduces hip fractures by 30 percent. Without enough calcium in the diet, the body is leaching it from the bones, causing them to weaken over time. No enough vitamin D, bones can not absorb calcium. risk factors for osteoporosis are certain characteristics that increase the risk of osteoporosis. include diet low in calcium. vitamin D and lack of weight bearing exercise three simple change Other factors include the :

early menopause or female athlete triad Another factor in bone loss, called female athlete triad, a combination of:

Low energy availability (missed periods (Weak bones (increased risk and attempts to reduce body fat in extreme measures not only leads to a decrease in physical performance, but can lead to serious health complications lack of nutrients and fluid /. electrolyte balance with a low consumption of food can lead to increased risk of fractures, illness, loss of reproductive function and serious diseases such as dehydration and starvation. complications of this triad related to almost all body functions and include cardiovascular, endocrine, reproductive, skeletal, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and central nervous system See also: .. Many athletes mistakenly think that they are not at risk for osteoporosis >> << as exercise and exercise is known to strengthen bones Still, studies show that exercise does not only prevent bone loss. irreversible bone loss begins within six months to two years loss of menstruation. Another negative consequence of eating disorders is a strong link with depression. prevention of osteoporosis Establishing and maintaining bone mass requires a combination of nutrients and exercise. building bone density in early age is the best way to prevent osteoporosis later after age, the best way to maintain bone mass as well as build - .. get enough calcium in your diet and exercise do weight bearing exercise shows evidence that exercise can help build and maintain bone density at any age . study saw bone density increased resistance to do regular exercise such as weight lifting, two or three times a week. This type of exercise weight bearing probably stimulates bone formation and retention of calcium in the bones that lasix 14 mg carry the load. force m ' muscles pulling on bones stimulates bone building process. Thus, any exercise that places force on the bone, which strengthen the bones.nutrition immune system weight bearing exercises are most effective for a bone. These include activities such as walking, climbing, running , hiking and weight lifting. Swimming and cycling are not considered weight-bearing exercise. examination of 350 middle-aged women found that those who were most active in their daily lives had significantly more bone density in their spines, hips and forearms than less active women. Another study showed that work strengthens the leg bones of both old and young women. Exercise also increases muscle strength, coordination and balance and reduces the risk of falls in older people. Medicine and Science in Sports and exercise in October 2005.

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